COMISA: when Sleep Apnoea meets Insomnia
Did you know that between 30-50% of people diagnosed with OSA report insomnia symptoms[1;2]?
Treatment for insomnia therefore has the potential to positively impact adherence to CPAP and may be beneficial for OSA patients.[3]
As part of our 360° Sleep Apnea Offer, our personalized patient approach, Air Liquide Healthcare invites you to participate in our 1 hour webinar where the following topics will be presented by our speaker:
- How insomnia develops in sleep clinic patients/OSA patients
- Identifying and assessing insomnia
- Assessing and how to overcome treatment access barriers
We are looking forward to welcoming you.
[1] Luyster, F. S., Buysse, D. J., & Strollo, P. J., Jr (2010). Comorbid insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea: challenges for clinical practice and research. Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 6(2), 196–204.
[2] Krakow, B. Melendrez, D. Ferreira, E. et al. Prevalence of Insomnia Symptoms in Patients With Sleep-Disordered Breathing. Chest 2021 120(6): 1,923-1,929. DOI: